Well, after all is said and done this year has been one for my record books! That is definitely for sure. I know I am a girl but geez, I don't know if I have ever experienced more emotions in my whole life than I did from this past year. It ranged from ecstatic, nervous, confused, depressed, worried, unsure, sad, happy, disappointed and I could go on and on. However, if there is one thing I have taken from this year it is that LIFE MOVES ON. Whether you like it or not and how you handle and move along with it makes all the difference. I have stated in previous posts a lot of the things that I have learned over the months and those things I will not forget. Now that I have experienced all these things, here are my top 11 of 2011 :)
1. Falling/being in Love
2. My 18th Birthday (Yes, it was that great!!)
3. Graduating High School (with high honors!!)
4. Going to College
5. Prom
6. Canyoneering @ Zions
7. St. George trip
8. My last Girl's Camp
9. Halloween w/ my roomies
10. Thanksgiving--nothing like coming home
11. Christmas/Skyping Cory
I know there is more that I experience this past year, just not enough room on my list or in my memory haha. Now, time for the classic, cliche list of resolutions. I plan and intend on actually keeping and doing these. In fact, I want them to become habits (don't we all). I also think that maybe if I actually post my list of resolutions, that this will somehow make me remember and keep them better...I don't know why, Probably because of the fact that people will read this and actually expect results and something from me. So here we are:
1. The classic "health and weight" category. I decided to not have a weight goal but more of a fitness goal. I want to go to the gym and exercise classes, eat healthier (no soda, sweets, etc unless special occasions or necessary splurges) and drink more water. From this I am hoping to see myself become more tone and lean! Sorry for the unnecessary explanation..
2. Spiritual: Read the Book of Mormon daily, whether it's just a verse or several chapters at a time. I hope to improve my relationship with my Heavenly Father and my testimony.
3. Personal: I just need to learn to not care what people think and be more out there! From what I have been told, I need to give people "something to work with". So that is something I am really going to try and work on. Be more outgoing and meet new people.
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and wish them the best of luck with their resolutions and brand new year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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