Monday, June 24, 2013

People are People

Over the last few weeks, I have had many opportunities to talk and deal with different people. It has been such a learning experience realizing the different backgrounds and lives that people come from, both in and outside of Utah. Several months ago, before having these different contacts and experiences, I was a girl that I would say was so judgmental of others and would just shut out anything or anyone presented to me that I thought was not right or different from what I believed. Little did I know that I was turning away opportunities and experiences that could teach me so much. As I have been around new people at work and in my friendships and relationships, I have met some great people! And these great people are people who never in my head would I have thought to be seen with or have friendships come out of it. As I have slowly opened up to being more accepting, I have learned that just because someone talks differently than I do, makes different decisions, or looks "interesting" to me does not mean I should instantly judge them and rule them out of ever having contact or some sort of communication.
Through letting these individuals in, I have learned that I am actually a pretty accepting and understanding person...and to be honest, people like that (I mean who doesn't?)  It breaks the norm that is here in Utah and I find it pretty satisfying and boosting to my confidence that people might actually think that about me around here and they trust me! They trust me enough to tell me their story and not be shunned or looked down upon.
I feel like sometimes I kind of ramble on my posts and struggle to gather all my thoughts into the words that I would like to use. So I guess one of the other points I wanted to make is that people are just...people. There was a quote on Pinterest that I saw the other day that for some reason just really struck me and all it was saying was what I just said, Don't get nervous. People are just people. If we like them, we can continue to have them in our lives and if we don't they don't have to be there! I guess that is how I have been becoming more outgoing and friendly towards others. I love getting to know people and learning that even the people we think are the best or have the perfect life, really have a past or struggles like I do or like you do. When I learn this about people, it really just enhances my knowledge and appreciation for what I do know in this life and what I do have. It helps me to realize that I am human and it is okay for me to make mistakes because guess what, I am not the only one. And it is even okay to admit them! I look up to people so much more and just sit and think about them and admire them so much for so many things.  I am just so grateful for be surrounded in an area with such different culture and backgrounds and I am so grateful to learn and have a glimpse into the lives of others. I am grateful for those who have been the example of acceptance and showing me that it is okay to let your guard down and just hear people out. Of course it is important to "righteously" judge and know where your standards and boundaries are but if you don't agree with them, it is okay. That is life. There is never going to be a time where people will agree with you 100% on everything that you believe...but that doesn't mean you shut them out and show them the door. You can control what people you let in your life and who you let influence it. You live, you learn and you grow.

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